Zona Hubble
Aqui podras encontrar fotos a punta pala del telescopio Hubble que está en orbita alrededor de la Tierra, de esta forma la atmosfera no es problema para conseguir buenas fotografias de Galaxias, Supernovas, Pulsars, Quasares, Planetas, Meteoritos, Estrellas, Agujeros negros y demas...
Descripción |
Fotografía |
La Galaxia Cartewhell, un extraño y espctacular colisión entre dos galaxias localizadas a 500 milliones de años-luz en la constelación Sculptor. |
El Cometa Hyakutake, fotografiado a las 20:30 del Lunes 25 de Marzo de 1996, cuando este pasaba tan solo a la distancia de 9.3 milliones de millas de la Tierra. |
Esta imagen muestra varias galaxias y estrellas, tambien se observa unas manchas azules producidas por grandes masas de gases. |
Una pequeña parte de los restos de la supernova Cygnus Loop, cuyas marcas de un extremo son la onda expansiva de una inmesa explosión estelar de hace 15.000 años. |
Una combinacion de imagenes HST a luz visible muestran la evolución temporal de la zona brillante del cometa P/Soemaker-Levy 9, en su ruta impacto con el planeta Jupiter en Julio de 1994. |
En el centro de la Nebulosa de Cancer está situado el Pulsa Cancer, el colapsado alma de la estrella explosionada. |
Gas a gran velocidad proveniente de la explosion de una supernova en la constelacion Cygnus suelto en las oscuras y frias nubes de materia intelestelar. Encabezado por esta gran ola de energía, las nubes crecen, con colores similares al neon. |
This image of the Egg Nebula, also known as
CRL2688, shows a pair of mysterious "searchlight" beams emerging from a hidden star, criss-crossed by numerous bright arcs. |
This infrared image of the Egg
Nebula, seen in the previous photo, reveals star light reflected by dust particles (blue) and hot molecular hydrogen (red). |
The bright orange arc and orange "star" at
the bottom of the photograph are galaxys in formation 13 billion light years from Earth - less than a billion years after the "Big Bang." The orange color is due to the tremendous red shift of light, which indicates the age of a distant object. |
In a mosaic of 15 images, The Great Orion Nebula displays red light where emissions are nitrogen, green for hydrogen, and blue for oxygen |
NGC1068 is located at a
distance of approximately 60 million light years, and is the prototype of a class of galaxies known as Seyfert Type 2. |
An eerie, nearly mirror-image pair of red luminesent gas "hula-hoops" frame the expanding debris of a star seen as a supernova explosion in 1987 |
Several hundred never before seen galaxies are visible in this "deepest-ever" view of the universe, called the Hubble Deep Field. |
Dubbed "cometary knots" because their
glowing heads and gossamer tails resemble comets, the gaseous objects in the Helix nebula probably were formed during a star's final stages of life. |
Each gaseous head of these cometary knots in the Helix nebula is at least twice the size of our solar system; each tail stretches 100 billion miles, about 1,000 times the Earth's distance to the Sun |
one of the brightest stars in our galaxy, appears in this
image. Taken with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), Hubble is able to peer through obscuring dust into the very center of the Milky Way |
This image reveals the true shape of MyCn18 to be an hourglass with an intricate pattern of "etchings" in its walls. |
One of the least massive and coolest stars ever seen (upper right), it is a diminutive companion to the K dwarf star GL 105A (HD 16160). |
Jupiter's volcanic moon Io
passing above the turbulent clouds of the giant planet, on July 24, 1996 |
Using infrared filters, Hubble captured detailed features of three layers of Uranus' atmosphere. |
Jupiter, showing the impact damage caused by its encounter with Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e), fragments G and Q2, in July 1994. |
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The HST can resolve individual stars in other
galaxies, making it invaluable for identifying a rare class of pulsating stars, called Cepheid Variable stars, embedded within M100's spiral arms. |
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These eerie, dark pillar-like structures are columns
of cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust, part of the "Eagle Nebula" M16, a star-forming region 7,000 light-years away. |
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This superb HST image reveals a pair of one-half
light-year long interstellar "twisters" - eerie funnels and twisted-rope structures - in the heart of the Lagoon Nebula which lies 5,000 light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. |
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In this "pre-repair" HST photo, the core of
nearby spiral galaxy M51 contains a striking, dark "x" silhouetted across the galaxy's nucleus, marking the position of a suspected black hole. |
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This June 27, 1997 HST image of Mars
indicates the location of the Pathfinder Lander as it bounced to a resting place on a windy, cloudy Mars morning, July 4, 1997. |
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Eta Carinae, site of a
supernova about 150 years ago, became one of the brightest stars in the southern sky. The explosion produced two polar lobes and a large, thin equatorial disk, all moving outward at about 1.5 million miles per hour. |
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Neptune's powerful equatorial jet,
where winds blow at nearly 900 mph, is centered on the dark blue belt just south of Neptune's equator. |
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Te recuerdo que aunque parezca menteira, todas estas fotos son reales y ninguna ha sido trucada por ordenador.
Si tienes alguna foto mas o de este estilo, por favor, no dudes en mandarmela al mail.